I just wonder how many times I was on the point of doing this… quitting… not once, not twice, but each and every time one of my projects seem not to take the right path. Not only, there is something about me that took me years to understand… I thought I was some sort of a multitasking person, or even some sort of a multipassionate entrepreneur, but lately I discover there is a very common psycological disorder that makes people become bored easily needing all the time new challenges, new activities in order to feel excited. Studies confirm that most of multitasking people have been spoiled children used to have all and immediately, or children who’s parents pretend too much from them, always to achieve higher standards and most of the time for them never been enough. I fit well in the second category :). I’ve read a lot about the argument, but this is who I am today and this is what makes me feel happy at the moment. Doing always multiple things not always during the day but also simultaneously. I came across extracts that explain the fact that multitasking or multiple activities prevent people from excel in that area that could be important for your growth. Even if I do believe being multipassionate is exhausting, during years I’ve developed some sort of a personal theory. Most of my tasks were not about me personally, but the people involved in my daily activity. I was finding pleasure into making people accomplish something. Solve some problems, start a project, get finish something they were striving for a while to take to an end. I did not become aware about the fact that was not only giving me satisfaction but was starting to destroy me mentally and physically… I start having a breakdown. I GOT DEPRESSED DOING WHAT I WAS LOVING THE MOST. I understand there are different stages and ways of depression. I was dealing with a really bed one. For a year I barely get out of bed and spend almost all of my time in the house. The pain was unbearable. I will share my story in a following post for the only reason to be another voice that screams KEEP GOING, don’t give up, life is beautiful, this is just a moment, everything will be ok. A year from then, I am here to say, I am still a multi passionate person but now I know I have to prioritize my time and I have to take a really big part of it. Growth is coming, things are getting in place, but I enjoy the ride better!